1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the the.voiceover.bar moderators.

  1. Be civil.
  2. No racism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, misogyny, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism etc.
  3. Respect user's pronouns.
  4. No nativism / far-right / alt-right / blood and soil / neo-Nazi garbage.
  5. No X-rated content (eg sexual nudity, graphic violence). If you want to discuss a production that involves adult content then link to it rather than posting content from it.
  6. Casting calls should include: union affiliation, rate (including buyout) and contact details.
  7. No spam or advertisements (including get-rich-quick schemes like Bitcoin, NFTs, all that crypto trash).
  8. No disinformation campaigns (eg anti-vax)